Chloe Pittman

Chloe Pittman


Squat - 255

Snatch - 155

Clean & Jerk - 185

Bench - 170

Favorite WOD - Chief


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

UNC Chapel Hill Exercise and Sport Science, B.A

About Coach

From the time I was allowed in the gym, I’ve loved weightlifting. I asked my dad to take me to Gold’s Gym with him every chance I could. I competed in taekwondo, wrestling, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu through high school. I started golfing my freshman year and pursued a collegiate career until the end of my senior year. After I stopped golfing, I needed a competitive outlet and discovered CrossFit. I fell in love with the sport of fitness because of the community and the emphasis placed on health and overall well-being.

Turning Point

I’m the type of person that goes all-in. I’ve approached every sport I’ve ever competed in with a “anything worth doing is worth overdoing” mindset. It resulted in burnout and resentment toward sports that I loved. When I decided not to play golf, I was burnt out but scared to give up my “athlete” title. I identified as being a competitor and athlete. However, I found CrossFit soon after I decided to give up golf. CrossFit allows me to be an athlete, but instead of a scorecard or a tournament bracket, you are competing against yourself and your numbers every day.

Motivation & Passion

I believe exercise can be preventative medicine for mental and physical health. CrossFit is a great way to become involved in a community with lifelong friends and better yourself in only 60 minutes a day. It's learning to embrace and looking forward to doing the "one thing that sucks everyday".

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